How to Compost
The average household throws away approximately 25 percent of its food in America. Composting would not only lighten the landfills but also create nourishment for your lawns and gardens.
How to Start Composting
To start, get a bottomless wooden, metal, or plastic container that can hold up to 10 cubic feet or 80 gallons. In a shady area in your yard, place the container. On the kitchen counter, next to the sink, place a small lidded container to catch compostable while you cook.
What Food and Paper Items Can Be Placed in the Compost Bin:
Eggshells, coffee grounds (and paper filters), fruit peels, and leftover vegetables. Never compost cheese, meat, or fish as they tend to attract animals. Also, avoid cooking oil as it attracts insects.
Any and all organic materials can be composted. Dry materials should make up most of your compost. This includes paper plates, dead leaves, torn-up newspapers, and twigs.
Upkeep of Compost
Keep an eye on the moisture level. While the pile should remain damp, be sure it is not a soaking wet, like a swamp. Spritz it with the host if it is too dry or add wood chips or shredded newspaper if too wet.
To avoid the smell, at the top of the pile keep a thick layer of dry material.
Time to Compost
It generally takes 4-5 months for compost to turn into black or dark brown soil. Once the compost has reached this level, remove the bin to allow the compost to continue to break down.
Nourish your grass or garden by spreading the compost around as you would fertilizer.
To learn more about composting, contact us here at Eagle Landscape Supply.